Thursday, August 26, 2010

Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back

Nothing says Star Wars more than three purple bars in a bad Defender clone, except for three purple bars and a gray dog in a bad Defender Clone.  The imagination is a powerful thing and all of the brilliance that we incorrectly imagined rested in the mind of George Lucas we also imagined rested in this cartridge.  I'm hoping for better things from The Old Republic.  I'm an eternal optimist and/or I am experiencing battered nerd syndrome.


  1. Ever play

  2. Sadly, no need for the Wotan Weave here either.

  3. Wow Rich that D&D game looks amazing...but no I don't recall playing that.

  4. I wasted like half of my 11th year of existence playing this game. I was just happy that there was a game that you could pilot a speeder that, at the time, it meant a lot.
