Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Wizardry: Proving Grounds of the Mad Overlord

Obsession thy name is Wizardry.  Arguably I am still playing this evil bastard of a game and with some of the same guys.  Raid time is 9pm server time.  Ok V we are finally going to take Werdna DOWN!
(Wait?!?! this guy had a toon named Legolas too?!?!? What the hell are the odds!?!?!?)


  1. Dude! I played SO MUCH Wizardy! Maybe even a couple of versions too.

  2. I was not around for much of atari, or not enough to own one anyways (started with sega master system @ 4 years old or something). However I think I would have liked this game.

  3. You would have loved this game! Almost as cruel and punitive as EQ.
