Friday, September 3, 2010

Night Driver

If you have ever said something like "graphics don't matter" here is your test.  The bad news is that you would have also have said "gameplay doesn't matter" to make much of a case for Night Driver.  This is a first person driving game with a big idea.  If the game is at night, and it's really dark outside all you can see are the the perfectly spaced white stakes along the side of the road.  GENIUS!


  1. This was one of my first 2600 games. I don't think it came with the system, but maybe with the paddle controllers. I remember liking it because of the bad ass cover art:

    Also, it was one of the few games at which I was better than my brother. There was something strangely hypnotic and satisfying about twisting through those ghostly pylons.

  2. It's like a zen koan of a driving game. It was interesting for about 30 minutes.

  3. for the record. THIS should have been the original post. well played

  4. I remember playing this one, though, I don't recall ever getting at all good at it.
